BONAP's North American Plant Atlas (NAPA)

Select the way you would like to see the maps presented


  1. US County Maps

  2. North America Continental Species Maps

  3. North America Continental Family Maps



  1. Largest North American Genera
  2. Largest North American Families
  3. US View of the Most Widespread and Thoroughly Distributed Species
  4. North America View of the Most Widespread and Thoroughly Distributed Species
  5. Floristic Similarity Maps NEW
  6. Vicariad Maps
  7. Floristic Tension Zone Maps
  8. Density Gradient Maps NEW (many new maps added)
  9. Climate Maps
  10. Soil Maps
  11. BONAP's NAPA vs. USDA-PLANTS (A Data Comparison)

Last updated 12/15/2014.